Thursday 28 January 2010

Fox alert

Fingers crossed, we're lucky, our little flock lives in town and we don't (yet) have urban foxes here. Sadly though a friend has been less fortunate, he had 13 chickens killed last night.

Reynard went on a killing frenzy.

Lock up your chickens my friends, it has been a long hard winter and Foxy Loxy is hungry.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Catch up

Still no photograph of the Nankin Bantam, sorry, weather stopped play.
The snow, ice and freezing weather has proved fatal to some of our little flock,
very sadly the younger members just couldn't take it and we are left with only
one survivor out of the five. The older hens were fine including our resident
OAP ex battery.
Surprisingly the Seebright didn't seem at all concerned by the weather and is still
living happily with her Nankin friend.
The above photograph is from last year, I've actually just spent a few days sifting
through 2009's photographs and posted them over on the
Do pop over and take a look when you have a minute, if you do you'll find my Christmas present from my family - her name is Maddie.

Wishing you all a lovely 2010.